|RConstitution:|N Constitutional government does not exist.
|RDefence:|N In 1992 the government army had about 40 000 men, mainly conscripts. When the government was overthrown in 1992 the army was divided between the liberation armies and has been divided since then.
|RNational holiday:|N April 27.
|RNature and climate:|N A mainly mountainous country with the snow-covered mountain-chain Hindukush in the northeast. It reaches 7700 meters. Main rivers are Amu-Darya, which forms border to the former Sovjetunion in the north, and Kabul-river which flows into Indus. Other rivers flow into lakes without outlet or saltswamps.
Average temperature between -5°C and +5°C in January and between 25°C and 31°C in July. Average percipitation between 200 and 400 mm each year in the whole country.
|RPopulation:|N 60% Afghans (Pashtones) and 35% Tajiks, and minor groups of Uzbeks and nomadic people.
|REducation:|N In theory education is compulsory between the ages of 7 and 15.
There are five universities, one university for Islamic studies, one medical institute and one polytechnic.
|REconomy:|N Agriculture, 57% of GNP, employs 2/3 of the population, but only 12% of the land is cultivated. Foremost crops are wheat, rice, vegetables, fruits, maize and cotton.
Craftsmanship, 8% of GNP, produces carpets, clothing and household goods. Industry, 4% of GNP.
|RHistory:|N Afghanistan has a long and varied history. Independent first 1747, when Ahmed Khan Durani was chosen emir. During the 19th century Britain and Russia fought about the supremacy. 1926 the independency was emphasized and a king elected. Member of the UNO since 1946.
1973 the king was dethronized by a coup and republic proclaimed.
The communists gained power through a bloody coup in 1978 and the Sovjet Union invaded in 1979. Since then there´s been a violent civil war. Many different liberation fronts have fought against the Sovjet army and finally in 1992, the last military "advisors" from Russia left Afghanistan. However, the different liberation armies have not yet been able to agree on how to run the country, so occasionally they fight each other.
More than 2 millions Afghans have been killed during the civil war and more than 6 millions have fled the country.